Nov 14: The United States and the United Nations -- Who should be reforming whom?

A panel discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of UN reform

When: Monday 14 November 7:30 PM

Where: University of Iindianapolis Recital Hall (105 Goode Hall)

This is part of the important "People Speaks" series. I'll be there, if necessary defending the Bush Administration and John Bolton ... it is sometimes hard to get a genuinely diverse exchange of ideas going in debates these days on college campuses, where so many people start and finish with the argument that the Administration has slushed US foreign policy down the toilet. It's important to recognize that in this unipolar world, no meaningful reform will be adopted without the approval of the US; and no American president Democrat or Republican wants to be accused of sacrificing American sovereignty without getting something VERY substantial in return. This deserves a serious discussion, and it should receive it at the University of Indianapolis where people are serious.

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