April 13: Victor Davis Hanson about whether Western Civ is in more danger today than it was 2500 years ago

Noted military historian and clasicist Victor Davis Hanson returns to Indianapolis to talk to the Contemporary Club

When: Thursday April 13 Cocktails at 6:00, dinner at 7:00, talk at 8:00

Where: Broadmoor Country Club 2155 W. Kessler Blvd Indianapolis

Victor Davis Hanson is worth the price of admission. Before 9/11, he was a historian of ancient Greece whose outspokenly conservative political views weren't his only most unusual feature. He'd been a full-time grape farmer before founding Cal State Fresno's Classic Department. His experience farming helped brilliantly illuminate the ways the Greeks' employment growing grapes and olives shaped their ways of waging war. After 9/11, Hanson's career shifted. He combined advocating a very hawkish approach to the war on Islamic extremism with a view that the Bush Administration is a last bulwark of everything good about the West that is under assault from barbarians and evil. A collection of his 2001 National Review essays, An Autumn of War, became a best-seller. Something very similar occurred with the historian of the Ottomans, Bernard Lewis, who after 9/11 emerged as the leading interpreter of Islamic hostility to the US.

I like Hanson's work on the ancient Greeks a lot, and always enjoy reading his military analyses. The closer he gets to home, the less interesting he gets. Even though I may agree with some of his views of American politics, it's kind of predictable, not much different than most of the other writers for National Review. And his book Mexifornia had nothing surprising in it... so let's hope he sticks with his strengths at the Contemporary Club dinner.

This word from Jamia Jacobsen:

On the 13th, Dr. Hanson will speak at Broadmoor Country Club 6:00-Cocktail hour to mix and talk personally with Dr. Hanson---7:00-Dinner and 8:00-Talk by Dr. Hanson. The cost is $34.00 per person. Checks are to be sent Ex. Secy.-Carol Broecker at 6715 No. Olney—46220. Membership is still open $30.00 single and $60.00 per couple. Any of us would be happy to turn anyone in for membership.

For more information, contact Jamia at mjacobsen@indy.rr.com.

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