April 24: Dangers of Democracy in China

I will be talking at the University of Indianapolis about why China is headed toward democracy, and why it might not be such a good thing for us in the short run

When: Monday, April 24 8:30-10:00 PM (nightowl students at UIndy!)

Where: University of Indianapolis, Schwitzer Center

This will my second talk to the University of Indianapolis Economics Club. The first -- "Why Bono, George W. Bush, and Adam Smith can't save Africa ... But maybe Indiana can" -- was very enjoyable. Several UIndy students lingered until after 11 brainstorming about how they could make a contribution to solving the problems of poverty, disease, and social injustice in Africa. A testimony to the fact that the university provides its students a chance to develop a morally as well as intellectually.

This talk on "The Dangers of Democracy in China" will look at a very different challenge facing the US, China, and the world. China (I am convinced) will be a real-live, honest-to-goodness democracy in half a century ... but it also will probably be five or six Chinas. This will be a good thing for the US (we like democracies, and democracies tend to like us), and a great thing for the Chinese. But getting to there from here will be rocky and risky. Look for Chinese demagogues to take advantage of people's fears and anxieties and discontents as their political syustem continues to open. Add to this the very shaky foundations on which China's continued economic development rests, and the picture for the next couple of decades is far from rosy. This doesn't mean the US should prevent democracy from taking root in China ... far from it, it means we have to work with the Chinese rulers and people to help them navigate the tricky waters they are going to be go through. It will require wise and far-sighted leaders in DC and in Beijing, and that makes me particularly nervous. So my talk will conclude with some ideas of how we here in Indiana and how the students of the University of Indianapolis might be able to make real and positive contributions to Chinese political change. An ambitious talk for so late at night!

If this talk is held in the same room in the basement of Schwitzer Hall that hosted my previous talk, I will be delighted. Right outside the room is the Museum of Master Au. One of the high points of my spring was watching Master Au at work. At a critical point in my talk about China I will probably drag the audience out into the Museum to use some of Master Au's splendid pieces to illustrate my arguments about China. (All part of this barbarian's efforts to acquire or at least mimic civilization.)

This will make this the second coolest event to be held in the Master Au Museum the last week of April. I'm afraid there's no way I can compete with the coolness of April 27's Indianapolis Opera's combination of Turandot and Master Au ... but on the other hand, I think compared to the April 25 event supporting "U-Carmen eKhayelitsha" (the South African film version of "Carmen" that will premeire with the Indianapolis International Film Festival), Turandot and Master Au will only be the second coolest special opera event of the week.

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