Sept. 23: Discussion of what the Constitution means for young people ... then Constitutional Hip-Hop Poetry Slam!

"My Daily Constitution" discusses the needs and concerns of young people and students ... then moves to an open mic "Hip-Hop Poetry Slam"

When: Saturday, September 23

Where: Glendale Mall -- 6101 North Keystone Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 (317) 275- 4410

5:00-7:00 PM Constitution CafĂ© discussion of “Constitution Who? Constitutional issues about Students and Young People” will be in the Glendale Library Auditorium

7:00 – 9:00 PM Hip Hop Poetry Slam + Open Mic “Constitution Who?” Featuring DJ Dicky Fox in the Glendale Mall First Floor Indoor Court

"My Daily Constitution" takes Indy where IndyBuzz has never gone before: an open microphone hip-hop poetry slam about democracy and the Constitution.

Here's a good question: Do minors have constitutional rights? The answer is "yes, but not as many as grown-ups." That answer fascinates me: how is it that constitutional rights and civil liberties attach themselves to a person a she gets older until that magic day when she turns 35 and has her entire bundle Constitutional rights? (She can run for President at that point.) The discussion of “Constitution Who? Constitutional issues about Students and Young People” should help clarify the issue. It will be led by two of the area's leading experts in the field:

Jackie Bowie Suess is a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana (ACLU-IN). She is a graduate of Miami University and Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington. She was a lawyer for Legal Services Organization in Indianapolis for four years, and began working for the ACLU-IN in 1997. Jackie was the Director of the Indiana Constitutional Justice Initiative, a welfare rights project of the ACLU-IN, from July 1997 to May 2000, and Director of the ACLU-IN's Children's Rights Project in 2000-2001. She authored a reference book on welfare reform entitled "Welfare Reform in Indiana: A Practitioner's Desk Book." She currently does general litigation at the ACLU-IN, with an emphasis on the constitutional rights of children and the poor.

Warren Watson is director of J-Ideas, a Ball State program designed to encourage and develop high school journalism students. Prior to his work at Ball State, Watson was vice president for extended learning and operations at the American Press Institute, where he also served as co-president and associate director during his time there. While at API, Watson led workshops on newsroom issues, management and leadership, marketing and advertising.Watson also has been active in the Society for News Design since 1987, and served as president of the Society in 2003. A native of New Hampshire, Watson earned a bachelor's degree from the University of New Hampshire in 1973.

After the discussion in the Glendale Mall Library, the excitement spikes even more with a move downstairs to the First Floor Court, where there will be a Hip Hop Poetry Slam + Open Mic “Constitution Who?” According to My Daily Constitution:

Did you know that our Constitution was written by revolutionaries? Bring
your best poems and lyrics -- this is your mic to represent you and your
generation. Make your voices heard. Peace!

I am trying to tell myself that this is not too hip for IndyBuzz ... I'll be there! The Hip Hop Poetry Slam + Open Mic will feature one of the area's hottest Djs, DJ Dicky Fox and is presented by United States of Mind.

About the venue: The Glendale Mall is my favorite example of the changing civic role of shopping malls. When it first opened in the 1950s, it was an open air mall. Soon, however, it was enclosed and became the city’s first indoor shopping mall. A few years ago, as malling activites shifted out to the other side of I-465 and the WalMart a mile up Keystone sucked away business, Glendale seemed on the edge of following similar malls and closing. Instead it reinvented itself as a hub of education and civic activities. With renovations it continues to be an indoor shopping mall, complete with a 12-screen theater. It has a branch of IUPUI, the very vital older adult education program OASIS, and the country’s first full-service library located in a shopping mall.

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