March 15 — Go into the dark to squirm at "Fear(s) of the Dark / Peur(s) du Noir"

Give the world's most creative artists complete freedom to unleash their fears and imagination in black-and-white animation, and you get "Peur(s) du Noir."

When: Sunday March 15, 1:30 PM
Where: Indianapolis Museum of Art, Tobias Theater

Adults $9 / Members $5 / Students with ID $7/ Youth 12 & under $5. Purchase tickets at, by calling 317-955-2339 or at the door.

Fear(s) of the Dark / Peur(s) du Noir
(2007, various directors, 85 mins, France, NR)
Six graphic artists present their visions of terror in Fear(s) of The Dark, an omnibus of atmospheric black-and-white animation with clever episodes tied together under the artistic direction of Etienne Robial. While the segments generate more psychological fear than overt gore, each displays a fertile imagination influenced by a breathtaking range of sources, from Japanese anime to printmaker Felix Vallotton. Pan’s Labyrinth director Guillermo del Toro praised the film’s “razor-sharp images that will slice your eye and nest there forever.” In French with English subtitles.

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