Nov. 16: Twenty Years of Interfaith in Indianapolis

When: Wednesday 16 November, 6:45-9:30 PM

Where: Unitarian Universalist Church of Indianapolis, Sanctuary/Social Hall, 615 W. 43rd St. Indianapolis

Interfaith Alliance Indianapolis (IAI) is a coalition of Baha'i, Buddhist, Catholic, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox, Protestant, Self- Realization Fellowship, and Unitarian Universalist congregations and individuals dedicated to promoting a better understanding among our people and religious traditions. To celebrate its 20th anniversary, IAI is publishing an interfaith devotional to be given to participants. Hear a short history of the project and enjoy panelists such as K.P. Singh, Shahid Athar, Father Boniface Hardin and others. How can an interfaith focus move us emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually as we stay firm in our beliefs and are open and respectful to others? How and when have interfaith experiences and learning affected our moving, staying, and changing—as individuals, family members, and members of faith communities? The program concludes with fun, dynamic, audience participation in an interfaith dialogue.

Sponsored by Friends of Awakening Sangha and Interfaith Alliance Indianapolis.

Questions? Call 745-6306 or e-mail

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