Nov. 8: "Where have all the farmers gone"

Discussion of the social implications of the way we acquire our food … and a taste of how we can do better

When: Tuesday 8 November, 7:00-9:00 PM

Where: Center for Agricultural Science and Heritage ("The Barn"), 1201 E. 38th St. Indianapolis

The “Slow Food” movement that arose in the 1990s has spread from Italy, across Europe, into the US and Indiana. Not a moment too soon, many say. “Slow Food” seeks to preserve traditional dishes, to support natural farming practices, and to restore a slower pace of eating as a reaffirmation of family and community. It has a political cast as well: it sees corporate agri-business increasingly crowding out the small farmers who proponents of “Slow Food” ought to be a basic component of a healthy society. Make sense? You have a great chance to check out the philosophy and flavor of Slow Food Indy, the local outpost of this global movement. Say the organizers of this presentation:

Small farms are our most careful and productive growers. If they all 'moved on' wouldn't we starve or become completely dependent on corporate control of food? Don't we want them to stay? In fact, there are fewer small farms each year. Why? Consider: If you were underpaid, accorded low status and discouraged from producing wholesome products, or acting as a careful land steward against your wishes and by forces beyond your control—would you stay? In the face of great difficulties some do stay (and others newly join). Why? How can we, as consumers help or hinder them? Come learn more with a panel of small producers, hosted by Slow Food Indy. Also featured is a sampling of the food grown by small farmers. Donations requested.

Presented by Center for Agricultural Science and Heritage and Slow Food Indy. Questions? Call 255-7628 or e-mail

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