April 26: Converse about the Art of Magdalena Campos-Pons

April 26
Panel Discussion: Art’s Window: A Conversation with the Art of Magdalena Campos-Pons
Indianapolis Museum of Art
DeBoest Lecture Hall
7:00 p.m.
The art of María Magdalena Campos-Pons defies categorization, breaking the boundaries of race, culture and geography, and blurring the lines between photography, installation, and sculpture. Her work begs the question: how do artists construct meaning with the language of the visual arts? How do viewers bring meanings to art? Come to the IMA for a true conversation with art and the universal human impulse to seek narrative in form. Join Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso of Congregation Beth-El Zedeck, psychologist and educator Fayth Parks of Georgia Southern University, and Elizabeth Alexander, poet, as they view the art of Campos-Pons through the window of history, healing, spirituality, and more.

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