March 7: Learn the rules for the Great Game in Central Asia for the 21st Century

John Clark relives his days as a Central Asian expert ... with a special guest who is a real expert

When: Wednesday, March 7 7:00 PM
Where: Church of the Saviour, 6205 Rucker Road Indianapolis

Rich in energy supplies and strategically located, the five countries of Central Asia attract attention from the Middle East, China, Russia and the United States. How will international competition for energy supplies affect each country? What are U.S. interests in the region?

Joining Clark will be Nodra Isamiddinova, an IUPUI student from Uzbekistan, who will report on her recent trip to her autocratic home country.

Sponsored by the Bob Calhoun Memorial Great Decisions Series
If this event sounds interesting, you should check out Clark's discussion of Central Asia for the Indiana Council on World Affairs March 20. On March 7 I will focus on the internal situation of Central Asia's economies, societies, and governments. I'll be eager to hear about Nodra's impressions of changes in Uzbekistan. On March 20 I will emphasize the geostrategic interests of the US in the region. A good contrast will be Pierre Atlas's discussion of the Middle East January 24.

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