April 26: Energy security with John Clark

Help me figure out how to resolve the traumas caused by the US energy policy (or lack of such as policy).

When: Wednesday May 17, talk 11:00-noon, lunch noon - 12:45

Where: North United Methodist Church, N. Meridian St. at 38th St.

Energy supply and consumption have a significant impact on U.S. politics and economy. Is reliance on Middle East oil making the U.S. vulnerable to political influence and economic peril? How will the rapidly increasing consumption of energy by countries like China affect the U.S. and the world?

Over the past year we in Central Indiana have had many vital discussions of energy security (the way we view it in the US) and the resource curse (the way it is viewed in countries that are cursed with energy resources such as oil). I've hosted panels of experts on Asian energy security and the country's top expert on the internationlal implications of US energy policy. We have local experts on the disaster oil has caused for the people of Cameroon and Nigeria. I'll try to pull these themes together in this talk at the Mid-North Shepherd Center's Great deicisons series. Questions? Contact 317-924-0959 or mnscenter@aol.com

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