Feb. 8: Dick Davis talks about the global politics of energy

Electrical engineer Dick Davis discusses "The energy policy conundrum" as part of the Church of the Saviour's "Great Decisions" series

When: Wednesday February 8, 7:00 PM

Where: Church of the Saviour, 6205 Rucker Road Indianapolis

Energy supply and consumption have a significant impact on U.S. politics and economy. The U.S. is more than ever dependent on foreign energy supplies, which are coming at much higher prices. Is reliance on Middle East oil making the U.S. vulnerable to political influence and economic peril? Should the emphasis of U.S. policy be on finding new supplies, securing current sources or reducing its dependence on fossil fuels -- or are all three elements indispensable? How will the rapidly increasing consumption of energy by countries like China affect the U.S. and the world?

Dick Davis is one of my favorite people, this should be good. If you like this topic, there will be other discussions of energy policy on February 21 and about global conflicts and energy security April 26. You also might like to attend a talk about Uzbekistan and Central Asia February 15.

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